Today’s Readings

If you’re a WP user, chances are that eventually you are going to need to do something manually in the database (add a new table, batch-alter some data, something), and when that time comes, PHPMyAdmin is certainly the way to go (in my opinion). Learn how to get it up and running for your WordPress installation.

And speaking of WP and databases, how often do you back-up your WP database? Probably not as often as you should, and that can be a big mistake. Here are several options for creating, and restoring from, back-ups, including a PHPMyAdmin option! :-)

There are plenty of reasons to switch from HTTP to HTTPS, but the thought alone can be daunting… is here to help ease the transition….

When I first saw the article titled Taking Chrome DevTools outside of the browser, I thought, “Why?” But as you read the article, the author, , suggests several situations where this could prove powerful, like using a single debugger in multiple, different browsers, using DevTools as a stand-alone dev tool (like Chrome kind of makes possible already), and even debugging iOS apps.

Wow, a seriously-deep article on How to Scale SVG. Covers a wide range of effects, attributes, and methods. Long, but worth the read.

And this drone shit just got scary

<link rel="import" href="component.html">
The above code allows you to “import” HTML files into other HTML documents. It’s like a SSI, but in native HTML. I guess I knew this was possible, from days of yore, but have never really considered using it… But this would allow you to create components, or blocks of markup that should always be served together, that you could then consistently import into any page in a project… The author, , discusses several options, alternatives, and use cases, as well as a few ¡Ojo! moments to be wary of.

I was not familiar with the concept of an HTML Inspector, but the concept seems really great: rather than a validator, it looks for things like classes that are not referenced in CSS, etc.

offers a great technique for showing form fields based on :checked status. I imagine this could also be extended for :not, :empty, etc. Nice!

Match that with some cool label effects, and you could have some pretty spiffy forms! :-)

Always looking for ways to improve performance, presents numerous Tips For Optimising SVG Delivery For The Web. And I now have more than a few code updates to do when I get back into the office Monday…

Honey, what color is it?” Maybe no real practical use, but if I had an iPad sitting beside my desk as a clock, this would be the clock… What a great idea… :-)

So, I use Grunt a bit now, but have heard some great things about Gulp, and have never tried it. This article makes me want to try it out. Any thoughts from anyone that has used both?

Are you a Backbone fan? I’ve never really had the pleasure, but this list of Backbone resources looks too impressive not to share…

You probably consider positioning a background image to be pretty simple stuff, until you have to do what tries to tackle: 20px from the right and 10px from the bottom… I had no idea that background-position: right 20px bottom 10px; was even an option, regardless of its support!

Cohesive UX. It has been a while since we had a new buzz-term, so why not! ;-) But going far beyond link-bait, discusses user experience across devices. A great topic and, as usual, well presented.

Responsive Design Weekly is an email newsletter to which I subscribe. Typically it would look fairly similar to these posts, with random links to bits found from across the Interwebs, stuff that I frequently scrape and regurgitate here for you. The above issue, however, is nothing but a brief description about how “, Technical Front End lead at the Guardian, and team has managed to break the 1000ms barrier by introducing a mixture of front end and backend techniques.” I’ve read about some techniques to help do this, but haven’t seen it all lumped together, so I went hunting and came up with a few resources:

That oughta get you started! :-)

And finally, I’m sure many of you remember the “end of the world” that wasn’t, Y2K, well we now have a similar issue fast approaching

On June 30th at precisely 23:59:59, the world’s atomic clocks will pause for a single second. Or, to be more precise, they’ll change to the uncharted time of 23:59:60 — before ticking over to the more worldly hour of 00:00:00 on the morning of July 1st, 2015. This addition of a leap second, announced by the Paris Observatory this week, is being added to keep terrestrial clocks in step with the vagaries of astronomical time — in this case, the slowing of the Earth’s rotation.

Shall we call it LS15??? ;-)

Happy reading,

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