Hi. My name is Aaron.
Born just a few miles outside of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, my family moved to Waianae, Hawaii just after the seventh grade. I then moved to San Francisco, California when I turned 21, spent four years just outside of Washington, DC, a little over six years in New York, New York, and the next 10 years my wife and I lived in Hohenecken, Germany. Since July of 2023 we have lived in Oroville, California, in order to be closer to my wife’s father.
My career with the web began in 1998 with a confluence of happenstance and necessity: The small, family-run hotel I was managing needed a website and the person that was supposed to be making it was taking too long. So I bought a book, dove in, and never looked back.
That book still sits on my shelf, but doesn’t get used much now-days, as I quickly stretched my wings beyond just HTML to CSS and JS and realized the power at my fingertips…
I initially moved on to ASP and MS SQL Server, before learning about WP, PHP and MySQL.
I now specialize in web performance. Everything from tightening your TTFB to helping get your LCP onscreen faster to stabilizing your CLS and helping your users get a faster INP.
Since my start 1998, I have a proven track record of clean, efficient, dependable products. I have an addiction to “what’s new” and finding better ways to do things. I’m highly proficient at researching, imagining, testing, implementing, mentoring, and serving as a technology advocate.
Unlike some developers, I (typically 😉) enjoy working with designers, back-end developers, management and third-party vendors. I find the different perspectives help make the final product all the better.
I am also extremely experienced working on multiple projects simultaneously and using project management and support ticket systems to help with transparency and to keep all stakeholders up-to-date.
When I’m not noodling with code, I can usually be found hiking, biking, gardening, traveling, reading and/or just hanging-out and enjoying life with my wife, friends and family.
If you’re still looking for more about me, pick a link below and peruse at will!
Thanks for reading, and let me know if you have any thoughts or questions,