Think you know JavaScript? Well try giving Dmitry Baranovskiy‘s #jsquizz a shot (I can’t seem to find #jsquizz on Twitter, and unfortunately the actual post is experiencing some technical difficulties right now, but hopefully he’ll have things resolved soon, maybe you’ll have better luck). In the mean time, have a look at a few examples on Nicholas C. Zakas‘ post Answering Baranovskiy’s JavaScript quiz. There are some real eye-openers there!
A couple cool CSS effects from Román Cortés. His original Paper Bird is now followed by his Rolling Coke Can. Pretty slick, Román! (And a pretty slick contact form too… :-)
And finally, anyone interested in user experience? An interesting, if not lengthy, article from Jared Spool about The 3 Qs for Great Experience Design. It is reaffirming to see that some people do still aspire to not just push product, but to constantly strive to make things better…
Happy reading,