Today’s Readings

Want to get away?  The most remote places on Earth

I’ve said it before, and I’ll surely say again about Paul Irish: you are a mad man!  He and Divya Manian have created another HTML5/CSS5 “readiness” site, but this time via a brilliant graphic representation!  Be sure to scroll your mouse wheel a bit once the page loads…  Mad, I tell you!

Okay, this is cool on so many levels…  An HTML5/CSS3/JS API slideshow (also includes a sprinkling of Microformats and ARIA!), done with very cool (seemingly simple) transitions, but take a look under the hood, there is a ton of Js at work…  Sadly, the presentation was built with no consideration of life without JavaScript…  Now, it’s a bunch of DIVs (which, I think, could have been LIs in an OL, but I guess I won’t get that picky), how hard would it have been to make a vertically-scrollable slideshow for those without JS?  Ah well, pretty cool nonetheless…  And more importantly, an excellent job of explaining the new features of HTML5, CSS3, and the new JS APIs coming our way!

Need to know what time it is in, say, Sydney?  No worries, mate, have go at Every Time Zone! (Clue: Click around the screen, then try a little click-and-drag…)

Apparently it also works offline on the iPad… Nice touch…

Was thoroughly impressed with the innovative design of the Masters Golf Tournament website design, right up until I saw they were using a <table> to center their content…  I mean, come on

Anyone thought of developing a Firefox add-on?  I know I have, but so far, “somehow” haven’t made the time to learn how…  Maybe Jetpack from Mozilla Labs will finally get me off my duff?

And finally, man, I wish I had an extra $3k laying around…

Happy reading,

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