Today’s Readings

Got fast Internet? Want faster Internet? Well, just make use of all available data connections to get it!

Make cool-looking animations, with no JS, just HTML + CSS. Really great explanations & examples! I was not familiar with Ana Tudor before, but am now!

And speaking of CSS animation, a far simpler, but probably more practical, example is animating background gradients.

Ever notice how some fonts appear bolder in OS browsers? Ever work with a designer that also noticed (yes, I’m looking you, you-know-who… ;-)? Type Rendering Mix could be just what you need to create font harmony in your universe…

I have been looking for ConfCal for a long time!

The critical rendering path sounds pretty, well, critical. And it is. Learn it. Know it. Live it. (How did I not remember that Goose was one of Spicoli’s buds???)

An FTP/SFTP deployment tool built in node.js. Yes, please!

And once deployed, you can now manage all your PHP servers from one control panel. Which sounds abso-freaking-lutely brilliant to me, but then I don’t know bumpkis about server set-ups, so, is this as good as it sounds to me???

iframe. Done shaking yet? Few things send shivers done the spine of web developers like the mention of using an iframe, especially when you want to make your site responsive, right? Well, the swell developers at BBC have sorted it all out for you. Now say thank you.

How do you set your font-size? rem? No?? Why, because support isn’t far enough along yet? Well, if you can get your hands on a CSS pre-processor, life gets pretty easy!

Just type in front of any URL to save a bookmark to the cloud. Oh, yes.

Wow, North is a seriously well-thought-out collection of project best-practices! Well worth reading through, even if some of the practices will never get implemented where you currently work, it can be nice to see how things can be done….

Awesome interactive globes for the web. Indeed!

But why stop with a planet, when you can have an entire solar system???

The web is abuzz with talk about web components. They’re a little too “some day in the future” for me, but if you feel like digging in, this article gives a nice prep.

gives a nice walk-through his WP theme, including several clean-up bits you can do to any WP theme. Hmm, gonna have to have a look at a few of these for this site…

Speaking of WordPress, here’s a nice list of WP plugins for helping with SEO and Usability.

gives a run-down of his Git workflow, which also includes a very intro-level explanation of how Git works, too.

And speaking of Git workflows, offers a look at his workflow. The choice is yours!

How often are you scrolling down a page and your mouse goes over a scrollable section within the page? Suddenly, you are stil scrolling, but only that little section, not scrolling the full page anymore… Annoying! Well, writes about a slick little trick he stumbled across, where you “lock” those inner scroll sections, then “unlock” them with JS. Wonder if you could do something like with by just using :focus

When you start a new project, everything is so nice, neat and orderly. But by the time most projects finish, after modules have been cut or changed repeatedly, after the next layer of management has finally seen it and had their input, how sure are you that you still need all that CSS in your CSS file? Grunt UnCSS to the rescue! The readme mentions cleaning framework CSS, which is another great use (who really uses all the CSS in Bootstrap, etc.?)! The readme only mentions comparing the CSS files against HTML files, so not sure if this could run against PHP files too.

Great collection of :hover effects!

A very useful would-be add-on to the HTML5 Boilerplate project: adding the navigator.userAgent, navigator.platform, and where the device is “touch”, to the html element, for use with your CSS. We do something similar at work, using our server-side detection system, and it’s really handy!

I hadn’t really thought about using fullscreen before, mainly because I guess I haven’t worked on any sites that would benefit from it, but it’s always good to know what’s available. Start with ‘s Fullscreen API introduction, then beef it up with ‘s Fullscreen “How-To”.

An interesting take on trying to localize your content. I was not previously familiar with the “:lang pseudo class selector, but I am now!

Measure Frontend Performance With Grunt??? Installing now…

WebGL has certainly caught the imagination of designers and developers alike, but most demos I see are pretty out there (read: not very practical). But these galleries transitions are pretty damned slick! Read more about them here.

Speaking of performance, three presentation videos from the Chrome Dev Summit:

And finally, how about some behind-the-scenes tweetpics from a 100% authentic Wookie? And if that doesn’t blow you away, maybe this will

Happy reading,

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