Today’s Readings

My disgust for cigarette litter is somewhat well-documented… Here is a novel approach to encouraging proper butt disposal, though I cannot imagine it really helping once that novelty has worn off. And here is the result of a more traditional approach taken against plastic bags; those results are pretty impressive, I’d say.

Quick intro to animating charts or infographics, with a little help from jQuery.

What Comes Next Is the Future is the definitive documentary about the web, as told by the people who build it each day.

Freaking awesome! While most of us lived through most of this process, there are already l’il chitlins our there (AKA: young people, AKA: our co-workers) that do not know all the history, and all future generations will not know this history. It is worth capturing. And we can help!

How many coding languages does it take to describe the face of playing cards? Apparently at least 12… :-)

GestureKit is a JS library that tries to standardize gestures across devices, allowing you to create custom gestures, then incorporate them into your JS code via a ID-based system. Check-out the video, it explains things much better than I can here…

A pure-CSS panoramic image. Well alrighty then!

Considering content in “moments” is a new approach, at least to me. And working with moments can make for a more enjoyable viewing experience for your users. Of particular interest to me, however, was the use of -webkit-overflow-scrolling: touch to make smoother, more natural scroll transitions. Not sure how I missed this when talked about it last year (You might want to Inspect Chris’ paragraphs and add more text to get a better example of the benefit.). I’ve already added this to all my scrollable areas (if you’re viewing my actual website, on a wide screen, give the the right-column scroll areas a flip)!

How many in-person interviews have you been to that asked you to live-code something, but on paper or whiteboard? I don’t know about you, but it just isn’t the same for me; I code in an editor. Well, you can now conduct interviews online, via video, with a live code editor! Nice….

And once you get that shiny new job, you can use to coordinate project timelines, online. At least from the video demo, it seems to be missing the Bugzilla/Jira side of things (like, exactly what needs to be done, who is assigned to do it, their progress, and time-tracking), but for the design/business side of things, it seems good!

Ever need payment-option icons? Most likely. Then you scour the Internet to try to find some combination of GIFs, PNGs and JPGs that look similar enough to not make your page look wonky, right? Then you deal with responsiveness by… ignoring it? Why not use an SVG webfont for all those payment icons?

Ever wish you could grab a bunch of data from some site and have it be structured, you know, like actual data? is here to help…

A lot of huff-and-puff has been made of a new Chrome Canary experiment that masks the full URL of a page in an attempt to prevent phishing; here are a few huffs-and-puffs:

Jake’s defense of this experiment surprises me, because it is exactly the fact that he could see the entire URL that tipped him off to the phishing, but I guess he was able to spot the trouble because he knows what a “good” URL should look like, and “normal users” might not. And the Canary experiment does make the phishing URL more obvious, but again, if you know what you’re looking for, and bother to look. Jeremy’s reaction is understandable, but I think extreme: the URL is not being killed, simply partially hidden. I know that I do not fit into the “normal user” camp, but I had no trouble figuring out that I could click the in the Omnibox to get the full URL, as that is basically what I would do anyway. I will say that I found it jarring, however, when the full URL suddenly popped into view, and that is something that I think normal users could find quite disturbing too. And I don’t know that Remy’s recommendation solves the problem any better: you still have the ugly URL, though the important part is much easier to see, but users still have no idea what they’re looking at, so does this really make anything better? Personally, I don’t think normal users give two-cents about how the URL looks in their browser, because most have no idea what a URL is, or even more so what a browser is. So, basically, if something makes the web more secure, that’s a good thing. IMO.

Now on to a lighter note… Radio buttons, they’re lighter, right? And who doesn’t love accordions?? So how about a Pure CSS Accordion Using Radio Buttons???

JS Recipes says it is “JavaScript tutorials for backend and frontend development.” But it is really more like “JavaScript tutorials for backend and frontend development using plugins, libraries and frameworks.” Not that this is a bad thing, but it is definitely not POJS.

PaperFold smartphone that folds itself in to different shapes. Obviously not quite ready for market, but the concept is pretty cool!

In related news, God I hate those stupid share-modules that slide down the page as I scroll and try to read the content you so desperately want me to share

And finally, keeping in mind this recent warning from Stephen Hawking regarding AI, I present to you the human brain-inspired circuit board that is 9,000 times faster than the average PC… What could go wrong?

Happy reading,

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