Today’s Readings

Hot on the heals of the IE Status page comes the IE Dev Channel. Great news from Microsoft!

Odyssey.js is a clever UI to tell location-based tales, allowing the author to create “stories”, add headlines, content, images, and pinpoint where something happened on a dynamic map.

We all know script tags go at the bottom of the page, right? And the suddenly-practical async attribute is a good thing, right? So using both couldn’t hurt, could it? Actually, it could.

I assume everyone is already sold that SVGs are finally the wave of the future, and here’s a great intro on how to start using them right now (if you are already onboard with SVGs, jump to slide 65 to skip the sales pitch).

And here are a ton of free vector-based icons for you!

Clug is one fine-looking, easy-to-install bike holder.

Check-out this Udacity course on Optimizing the Critical Rendering Path, taught by and !

How are browsers doing with HTML5 Accessibility? Find out.

And to help you with your site’s a11y, here is a great run-down on adding captions and subtitles to HTML5 video players. The track element was new to me.

Annoyed by the forking required to use either WebSQL or IndexedDB? LocalDB is here to help.

Nice little collection of Node.js resources. I really need to get to know this better already…

Inspiration for subtle hover effects. Nice options.

Simple State Manager helps you manage your responsive site via “states.” It’s a good concept, if you need something like this.

Or you could try Enquire.js.

Or to help you make decisions based on the device.

Or you could learn more about implementing a responsive site from Adapt Learning.

Or from Google Developers

Or skip all that and just download free responsive templates!

However you do it, do it. Because Google Search is going to start letting people know if you’re not

CSS Stress Test: JavaScript to test each CSS class on a page and report which are hindering performance. Hmm.

Or find only your critical above-the-scroll CSS with Critical Path CSS Generator. (The idea being that you could then lazy-load the rest of your CSS.)

Or make your icons lighter by using Licon – Pure CSS3 Icons.

Mutation Events have been dead a long time; is anybody using Mutation Observers?

The more I see of Gulp, the more I really like… The syntax seems much easier to read, not sure about how the processes actually compare, anyone know if one runs better than the other, or how the various plugin options compare?

I’m not usually a fan of lists like 8 ways you can optimize your WordPress site, but I also usually always read them , because I tend to find at least one nugget.

Big fan of something like CSS Fragment Identifiers, to allow user-defined deep-links. I’ve wanted to be able to do this so often, though, to me, for this to be a useful function for the average user, it would be text-based, so I could link to a specific header or paragraph…

And finally, how often is this true? :-)

Any day of coding
Any day of coding

Happy reading,

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