Today’s Readings

Great (albeit simple, which is actually part of what makes it great!) example of sort-order progressive enhancement from , starting with select elements and enhancing with nifty drag-and-drop functionality, while still using the update process from the non-drag-and-drop version…

You may already be familiar with appendChild and insertBefore, but wants to help you also get familiar with insertAdjacentHTML. Thank you Dudley, quite handy!

Not sure how many Vim users there are out there, but hopefully these 10 Time-Saving Tips for UNIX Vim Beginners will help you, even if you are not a beginner anymore…

Don’t know about you, but one of my biggest gripes with Bootstrap is all the damned floats… Yeah, I know they are a really solid way to create layouts, but they feel so old to me… I mean, Flexbox has some pretty amazing support now-days… So Bulma, the CSS framework based on Flexbox looks very enticing to me.

And speaking of Flexbox frameworks, Flexo is a 100% CSS, Flexbox grid system! (Hopefully 12 columns is enough for you and your projects…)

Okay, here is just a bunch more Flexbox stuff from Smashing Magazine, you go read… ;-)

The future of loading CSS by demonstrates a progressive approach to page rendering, allowing for improved perceived page load speeds, and pretty ideally designed for modular design & development…

Then here is an interesting follow-up from Jake. As Jake says, not practical, and probably shouldn’t even be done, but it’s always interesting to push envelopes and see how various options affect things.

Service Worker Precache is a module for generating a service worker that precaches resources. The module is designed for use with gulp or grunt build scripts, though it also provides a command-line interface. The module’s API provides methods for creating a service worker and saving the resulting code to a file.

Very powerful!

Gotta do HTML emails? Sorry sod… But maybe this Responsive HTML email framework will help! Great-looking boilerplate.

Or this Responsive Emails without Media Queries article!

Boy did this site performance article send me down a rabbit hole… Into Ilya’s presentation, into my repo, onto my dev server, and finally this site makes fair use of rel-prefetch. :-) My Analytics, at least for now, says that preconnect, prefetch, and prerender don’t make much sense for me, but it is something I will keep an eye on!

And finally, beyond the wonderful lampooning of such an aggressively arrogant buffoon, is a wonderful technical achievement!

Happy reading,

2 Responses to Today’s Readings

  1. Rob says:

    The first rule of Flexbox is if you talk too much about flexbox then people will think you cannot create anything without flexbox, nay, you cannot exist without flexbox.

    This has already come to pass where I see the script kiddies of reddit think every solution to every problem resides with flex.

    I have no problems with flex, myself, but I am in no rush to start using it. Not being in a rush to use it says something. It means you don’t need it to accomplish the same task with other CSS properties.

    • Quite a good point, Rob.

      Of course, there are those that get excited about something new, and want to use it everywhere they can, but I think most Flexbox enthusiasts will be the first to say it is not for everything, and should only be used where it solves a problem better than the previous solution.

      There is no question that floats and other positioning methods can do nearly everything you want to do, but there definitely are things that cannot be done with CSS, using a non-Flexbox method.

      But in the end, developers should do what is best for their clients and their clients’ sites.


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