rotate text

I first stumbled across Jonathan Snook’s post on rotating text, but then I found this CSS Ninja post that adds a nice bit to Snook’s implementation (be sure to read all the way through to see all the variations and options).

The Options

  • Internet Explorer Filters


    • Pure, valid CSS, no JS, no HTC, no tricks, no hacks!
    • IE8 offers vendor prefix (-ms).
    • IE6/7 use non-proprietary filter, so can easily put that into IE-only stylesheet.
    • For better or worse, IE6, 7, and 8 are pretty stable as they are, and so it is pretty easy to know which does, and doesn’t, do what.
    • Easy to target specific browser versions if using HTML5 Boilerplate <head> conditional comments.


    • Fairly limited set of filters, and most look pretty crappy.
    • filter is invalid, so stylesheets will not validate, if you care about that.
    • At least one more line of CSS for each feature…

The Bottom-Line

As much of a pain as it was to have to manually determine all the layout, with IE Filters going uncontested in this bout, it is a fairly easy decision…

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