Today’s Readings

It’s been quite some time, so let’s get right to it…

I know it’s not my birthday or anything, but if I had a cake with a few candles on it, I would wish for the same vacation (non-)policy that Netflix employees have

The arrival of WordPress 3.0 (er, 3.0.3 now…) brought with it a lot of excitement. Here are a few items that I’ve come across:

As evil as the seven sins themselves, this Smashing Magazine article shows just how to get people moving in the direction you want

Want unlimited 4G in your pocket, anywhere you go?  Maybe not yet, but it could be coming soon!

I could fill a LOT of sleighs with stuff from Bless this Stuff… You listening, Santa??

And just in case he isn’t, you can now call him directly (or have your kids get a call from him)!

Easily THE BEST CSS gradient creator, damned nice job!

Need to conduct a little cross-browser testing, but don’t have all the browsers you need? How about using web-based versions?

A sweet HTML5 Periodic Table. Be sure to click the elements for a brief description.

Sort of for CSS

An absolutely amazing collection of code snippets, far beyond just CSS tricks…

There is SO much cutting-edge CSS3 out there…

Anyone for a balloon ride into space?

Do you have some website that you just want to blow off the face of the Earth?  Well, now you can

And finally, what would Star Wars have been like if it had been made 80 years ago? Or been written by Dr. Seuss?

Happy reading,

One Response to Today’s Readings

  1. aarontgrogg says:

    Another Star Wars item, couldn’t resist: The Sounds of Star Wars.

    Happy listening,

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