Monthly Archives: September 2011

WordPress Plug-in: Navigation Menu IDs & Classes

2015-03-13 UPDATE: Slight update, available in the WordPress repo and on GitHub, check the README.txt for details. 2013-03-19 UPDATE: Now available on GitHub: Back in July 2011, I wrote about cleaning up the navigation menus in WP. In that … Continue reading

Making a Case for the Death of Website Navigation

When was the last time you went to a site that you hadn’t visited before and found what you were looking for by using the website’s navigation? Often even the Contact Us info can be a mystery.  I’m screaming at … Continue reading

Update WordPress Comment Form to HTML5, Without Hacking Core Templates

For some reason, WordPress 3.2.1 still uses <input type=”text”…> for email and website addresses on their Leave a Reply form… But to edit those <input> types, you have to edit a core template, found in the wp-includes folder, which, of … Continue reading