Today’s Readings

New HTML5 hyperlink attributes. I was familiar with download, but not with media or ping, both of which seem really useful.

And speaking of downloading, until support for the native FileSaver is widespread, you can always use the FileSaver.js polyfill.

The biggest knock web apps typically get is speed: they simply can’t be as fast as native apps. Well, this new JS framework from proports to disprove that belief…

Great all-around SVG presentation. Starts nicely with simple intro and basics, then moves into embedding, scripting, filters, animating and “other cool SVG stuff”.

And as a related note, while SVGs are natively responsive and scalable, it is possible for them to resize differently than desired. So check out Vlex, which lets you set-up rules to handle resizing.

Really nice “state of the union” for IE. Find out what is already in, what’s coming, or where it stands.

I have known for some time that you could hop from tab-to-tab in Chrome by pressing Cmd+Option+left/right-arrow, but did you know you could jump instantly to a specific tab by pressing Cmd+tab-number (they are 1-indexed)?
[Note: There is no link here, this is something I actually found out myself… ;-) ]

Are you a gamer? Then put your gamer skills to the test!

And in case you’re not the “gamer” type, and prefer to simply read things, here are 12 Little-Known CSS Facts from .

More than 85,000 videos, covering more than 80 years, is now available, for free, on YouTube. Wow.

And for something a little more palm-sweating and sphincter-tightenting, try this collection of downhill biking + helmet camera vids

You can now access and remote control your desktop/laptop from your Android phone. As I sit and watch my wife talk with Siri on her new iPhone, I ponder and fantasize where this combination of technologies will go… :-)

This solar phone charger seems pretty cool, but I’m having trouble finding anything more than the brief description on the Amazon page…

Great all-around Accessibility article, covering everything from forms and access keys to ARIA landmarks and video subtitles to colors and contrasts…

Or maybe you would prefer your very own personal, mobile, wind turbine?

A really inspiring article about design from , presenting what I feel is the greatest missing component of nearly every project I have ever had to work on: time. Time to think, revisit, tear apart, reconstruct, redefine. In short, make better.

Which led me to an article from where he also briefly discussed this article, but then went on to mention something that I have been wanting for a long time: the ability to link directly to a part of a webpage, even if the author didn’t provide a deep-link ID. Sadly, this is currently only doable via a Chrome extension, but still love it!

And if you feel your Extensions page is still a little too spartan, here are 4,000 comments discussing “must have” Chrome extensions

Nice, quick glimpse into the world of Google design, specifically the oft-under-considered search page. It is also the first of four times that I would encounter a quote from (“Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic.”) in three days…

Adding subtle animations can really give an app that polished touch. And while these are all centered around a payment process, I think the transitions can be extended to all kinds of user interactions.

And finally, Did we just find Earth II?

Happy reading,

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