Today’s Readings

Not only has Chrome 38 Canary introduced a responsive design view that allows you to view various device-specific-breakpoint window sizes, but it “also introduces network throttling to produce near real device simulations for development.” Huge!

Fast.js is faster versions of native JS functions. Note the caveat that this is focused on V8, so you’d want to test it yourself, but worth looking into.

Got jQuery? Chances are you do. But do you use all of that jQuery you push on your users? Chances are you don’t. Then why not slim it down by removing the parts you don’t need?

And while I was looking into customizing jQuery, I ran into this custom jQuery builder. Haven’t used it myself yet, but a nice idea!

width: min-content; and width: max-content;. Both news to me!

favicons… Every client wants one, we know we need them, but a real pain, right? Especially since all this mobile crap came about! Well, Favicon Generator is here to help. They even offer a slick Favicon Checker to see how your existing favicon stack holds-up. Mine could use a little help

The entire Human JavaScript book online, free. But, of course, you should buy it

I saw this form-filling bookmarklet some time ago, but didn’t really dig it. Now that I’ve been filling forms for the past few weeks on my current project, it seems a lot cooler…

No matter how much you (think you) know about page rendering, I think articles like What Every Frontend Developer Should Know About Webpage Rendering are always worth at least a skim. I nearly always find something interesting or new.

Being fairly new to command line, things like Vim regularly befuddle me. Well no more, I say!

How mobile-friendly are your sites? We all know the numbers, the market is growing, blah-blah-blah, so why are so many sites still designed so terribly for mobile devices? This presentation from Google I/O 2014 would like to help

I’ve always hated the concept of native apps on mobile devices; the web is the web, and it shouldn’t be fragmented like that. But I also recognize the incredible benefits of installed apps, especially when I’m trying to read something like RSS feeds with a poor connection. So installing web apps has always intrigued me…

And speaking of web apps that can work offline, provides a thorough, if not too fast, demo on how to create a basic offline-first web app using serviceWorkers. Crazy powerful stuff!!

And another powerful JS feature that is rarely used is MutationObserver, which is the replacement for the dreaded MutationEvent. Check-out this demo.

But back to basics for just a moment:

Simplest possible examples of HTML, CSS and JavaScript

Advanced Uses for Chrome DevTools

I’m regularly blown-away at how powerful our browser dev tools have become in such a short time…

And finally, most of you chitlins are too young to remember the Trapper Keeper, but for some of us it was a staple, and status symbol, in the Junior High halls… Now you kids can relish in the same classism and judgement!

Happy reading,

2 Responses to Today’s Readings

  1. For the web page rendering article, Paul Lewis has another great article on the subject (one that may be more in-depth) called “Pixels are expensive“.

    The article title doesn’t necessarily tell you what it’s about (which is why I almost missed it!), but the content is very good.

    • aarontgrogg says:

      Thanks, Matt, yes that ones on my list for reading!

      Will likely see it listed in the next batch… ;-)


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