Today’s Readings

On the heals of the defeat of SOPA, the resurfacing of CISPA as CISA, Spain’s new Canon AEDE law once again stresses the fragility of our free, open, and equal Internet.

A Teenager’s View on Social Media, written by an actual teen. A fascinating piece from a vantage point most of us could only guess at. My favorite quote, and the one to surely get the most pull-outs, is:

It’s dead to us. Facebook is something we all got in middle school because it was cool but now is seen as an awkward family dinner party we can’t really leave.

And speaking of vantage points most of us could only guess at, how about a peak inside North Korea’s internal Internet?

Scroll slow, have fun! Actually, I recommend using your keyboard’s down-arrow key, scrolling was too fast to make the images understandable. But it is fun! :-)

You may have heard that is writing a new book. And maybe you have also heard that it will be available on Github, as he writes it… That alone should be enough to get your excited, but why he is writing that way is really what excited me.

Async.js promises to help solve Ajax callback hell. (If you read the article, you’ll hopefully get my terrible pun…)

Applying NASA coding standards to JavaScript. Okay, this article just used the word NASA and the word JavaScript in the same headline… If that’s not the best nerd-bait I’ve ever seen, I don’t know what it; READ!

As I am currently in the middle of reading my second Ernest Hemingway book, and have been known to dabble in JS once in a while, I found this book’s title catchy: If Hemingway Wrote JavaScript. Clever.

A Quick Look Back… at the first Forward event… (That’s kind of poetic, isn’t it??) Loads of great videos!

Serverside React Rendering: Isomorphic JavaScript with ReactJS + Node. (I had to look it up to: Isomorphic JavaScript: Shared JavaScript that runs on both the client & server) Very cool stuff, and something I wish I had a chance to play with and implement, seems like a great idea for any JSA Case Study in JavaScript Code Improvement may sound a little droll at first glance, but it does involve the Star Wars API… I know, right???

Cross-tab communication has apparently been available in Chrome and Firefox for some time, but it is something you have to fake with polyfills in all other browsers. If you need to, here’s how.

Wow, that’s an awful lot of JS in a row… So, here’s enough CSS to balance the scales: Quick Left offers The 2014 CSS Report: Examining how CSS is being used in the wild. Very cool read, but I can’t help imagining some poor developer choking when s/he encountered their awesome claim-to-fame:

Longest selector .ClientAreaContainer .element-columns-alpha-outer .element-columns-alpha-inner .element-column-right-alpha-outer .element-column-right-alpha-inner .element-column-right-alpha-content:first-child .ContentEditor > p .h2Grey

Sticking with (mostly) CSS for a second, the 3D Curtain is an impressive content transition effect.

If you’re a WP developer, here’s a useful plugin, to help get your ready for developing! It offers a series of plugins to add that will help you develop & debug in WP.

Got a redesign planned? Well, before you start designing or developing the new one, follow this great advice and make sure you’re learning everything you can from the old one first!

And finally, planning your next holiday trip? These travel posters just might make you consider Kepler-16b, or maybe HD 40307g… :-)

Happy reading,

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