Today’s Readings

suggests using namespaces to create more transparent UI code. I initially thought it was sort of overkill, until I got down to his examples, and they really hit home…

And speaking of CSS naming conventions, suggests using a BEM-approach to avoiding unintentional CSS side effects.

Very thorough, albeit only Mac-based, ground-up Grunt tutorial. (It also covers a fair bit of Mac Terminal commands, for any other Mac command line newbies, like me…)

A design company was redesigning an existing website. The existing website had tons of traffic, and the search feature was heavily-used. The design changed the previously-visible search box to an icon that the user needed to click to expose the search box. Here is where this gets interesting: rather than just doing what the design team created, they cared enough to be concerned about the usability, and they conducted tests on the new design… Wow. These results should not necessarily inform your site’s design (you almost surely have different users), but the results, and the process, are interesting none-the-less.

Everyone agrees that image spriting is a good thing, right? (Okay, maybe not forever, but for now.) And SVGs are great for icons, so an SVG sprite has to be awesome, right? Taking awesome to an even awesomer level, how about caching those SVG sprites, in localStorage?

The latest from is a clever user-interaction box called Flipside.

I haven’t spoken about flexbox in some time. A new Smashing Magazine article suggests (again) that now is the time to start using it. Starting off by covering which version is covered in which browser/version, they proceed to demonstrate exactly how to use it in production sites right now, by mixing old and new syntaxes properly.

Been following all the advancements in ES6? Been able to use any of it? Yeah, me neither. walks through the issues with ES6 and how to approach using it now

Private Messaging is a new WP plugin that allows your site’s users to interact with one another, without knowing each other’s contact information, all behind-the-scenes in the WP Admin. Pretty great stuff!

And finally, favico.js is a fun project that allows you to dynamically change and update the tab’s favicon, including changing colors, incrementing numbers, playing a video, or streaming the user’s video camera… The colors and numbers could be useful, for something like a web app. The video options? Yeah, well, they’re fun. :-)

Happy reading,

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