Today’s Readings

Understandably, Microsoft seems really, really excited and proud of Edge, and are happy to talk about all the hard work they’ve done to make it a “modern browser”. But isn’t it a little sad that a big part of the marketing message has to be that it should be “just… like other browsers”??

That being said, how does your site look on Edge?

And like the rest of the web, Edge will not support Flash or Silverlight… Yay, FTW!

And if you’re ready to step away from these plug-ins with your published media, better know how to deal with the new web media options.

discusses several localStorage wrappers, some offering services beyond just storage, and most offering at least a few interesting features over their competitors.

runs through a fantastically simple fix for the scrolling performance issue. “Hopefully that helps someone,” he says at the end.

And it did! walks us through applying the same fix to the Four Kitchens website.

Fantastic collection of shapes that you can make with only CSS.

One of the annoying things about web technology is that there is no “date” or “big moment” when a new technology finally comes of age and can be used publicly… Old devices and browsers just sadly, slowly die, and new technology just happily, slowly becomes well-supported. Like Flexbox… Can I Use says it is fantastically well-supported now, and here is a great presentation from on using Flexbox as a progressive enhancement.

Need truly private members in your JS objects?

walks us through several great examples of how animation can be handled differently across various screen sizes (you know, all “responsive” and stuff…).

And speaking of responsive web, here is a great collection of thoughts from regarding the process and thoughts used to find the proper baseline for responsively-enhancing a project. The underlying theme is to “keep the baseline as low as possible” but also keep in mind this quote from :

I’m a strong believer in progressive enhancement, but also that each phase of the enhancement needs a user.

echoes those thoughts in his piece on making progressive enhancement assumptions.

Now let’s throw all that progressive enhancement crap out the window listen to comparing ReactJS and AngularJS

Native CSS scroll snap points are something I have dreamt of for some time… I hate having to rely on JS to jump from point A to point B. Well, it looks like they are finally, slowly, creeping into browsers. ßupport is still not great, but as the article demonstrates, you can use native CSS @support and a quick JS check to detect if you need special CSS or a polyfill for non-native support.

From the man, the myth, the legend, , comes a talk about all of the latest responsive images bits and pieces.

And from another legend, , comes “a series of front-end design and development exercises and quizzes“. Enjoy.

It’s hard to remember the days of creating static HTML sites, updating pages regularly, and trying to keep those static HTML pages “fresh”… That was before having a “blog” was a common thing, and it was certainly before we had such easy-to-use CMSs as we have today. In short, it was a time before WordPress. So, in honor of the leader of the free CMSs, here is a brief history of WordPress

And finally, enjoy this 10-second animated GIF as New Horizons, after hurtling through space for nine-years, zooms closer and closer to Pluto, bringing us ever closer to our formal meeting on July 14, 2015.

Watch Pluto slowly spin and increasingly come into focus while Charon, one of the dwarf planet’s moons, dances in orbit.

Happy reading,

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