Today’s Readings

Holy crap, the Front-end Developer Handbook is a seriously ambitious effort by . Awesomely impressive!!

The state of front end tooling starts by mentioning ‘s suggestion that we Stop pushing the web forward, then dives into a very thoughtful insight into when, why, and how we should consider adding new layers of complexity to our daily workflows. It’s a short read, so well worth it.

A revolution is hard to recognize when you are in the middle of it; usually you need history to look back and see how it started, what happened, and evaluate the outcome. So, calling Service Worker a revolution might be premature, but I have no problem imagining our future selves looking back and seeing it as just that…

And speaking of Service Worker…

The serviceworker devtools panel has landed in Chrome Canary – gives you full overview of the lifecycle

Thanks, Jake! :-)

And speaking of DevTools, I’m looking very forward to this upcoming improvement to Chrome DevTools’ Inspect Element

Okay, just one more from DevTools, an extremely thorough full-stack performance review using Chrome DevTools’ Timeline.

Use mix-blend-mode to achieve a Reverse Text Color Based on Background Color Automatically in CSS. Cool!

Think you got ES6? Have a go at this ES6 quiz then…

Bounce.js is a tool and JavaScript library that lets you create beautiful CSS3 powered animations.

But if you feel like rolling your own, you may want to check-out ‘s Design and UI Animations guide.

offers two great new intro articles for HTML5 Fullscreen and Dialog. I really like that dialog will automatically be positioned above any other content on the page (no z-index battles here!) and that it automatically comes with a ::backdrop pseudo-element!

Two articles on WordPress security from wpmudev:

  1. First, 12 Ways to Secure Your WordPress Site You’ve Probably Overlooked, which starts with basic, should-be-commonly-known stuff, then delves into some pretty strong-handed techniques, before finally offering individual products and solutions.
  2. Next, WordPress Security: Tried and True Tips to Secure WordPress, which covers a lot of the same topics from the first article, but also a couple new ones; if you’ve read the link above, this is still worth a quick skim.

And finally, reader , inspired to try to speed up his own WordPress installation, forwarded his case study, dropping his page load speeds from 4.23s to 1.33s!

Happy reading,

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