Today’s Readings

How do you debug iOS? quickly walks us through troubleshooting and debugging iOS using Mac Safari Web Inspector, and promises the Android counterpart soon!

I love project walk-throughs, and ‘s version of the Google+ responsive site redesign is no exception. It is always inspiring to see how other developers handle situations and restrictions, and even more-so when the restrictions are so tight:

on initial page load we didn’t download more than 60K of HTML, 60K of JavaScript, 60K of CSS, our animations were always 60fps, and we had an average latency of 0.6s.

And speaking of performance, Mr. Performance himself, , points out that “[i]f you want to improve performance, you must start by measuring performance” but then asks “what should you measure?” He then dives pretty deeply into the subject, offering several options and suggestions.

A really slick CSS-only sliding menu highlight indicator, by !

ally.js is a JavaScript library simplifying certain accessibility features, functions and behaviors.


Anyone using WordPress’ Calypso yet?

Anyone using Node.js? Good. Anyone worried about Node.js vulnerabilities?

Stretchy Navigation is a pretty cool thingy. In Horizontal Timeline is a pretty cool thingy too!

I recently documented my experience adding a SSL certificate to this website. documents his experience adding a Let’s Encrypt SSL certificate to his Digital Ocean-hosted website; his experience was a lot better than mine, and it seems the experience for everyone else on Dreamhost is about to get a lot better too! :-)

Mr. Quirk himself, , demonstrates how to properly style input placeholder text in all modern browsers. Naturally it is just a little trickier than it really should be.

recently wrote about adding Service Workers to his website to improve page load by caching assets and provide simple offline support. Shortly after that, he wrote about limiting the cached assets to avoid storage bloat. But he found a snag with that cache-bloat solution, and now generously tells us all about the solution to that! I freaking love the web…

Sticking with Jeremy for another second, how many of you have all the necessary meta elements in the head of each and every one of your HTML pages to get the Twitter Card to appear next to each of your tweets? And all the meta elements for Facebook?? Well, Jeremy has collected a few links that can help trim some of that metacrap a bit by pushing them together. (Be sure to read down to the bottom for a slight glimmer of hope on the horizon (hint: manifest.json)…)

Then does even more trimming!

Simplified JavaScript Jargon (or SJSJ, to simplify things…) is a fantastic idea! I love the concept of “how far down can you boil a definition and still have it meaningful”… :-)

And finally, ever been to Machu Picchu? I have not, yet, but now at least I can get a preview, thanks to Google

Happy reading,

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