Pure CSS tribute to Mr. Dylan… Thank you, Mr. Keith… :-)
Nice walk-through of JS‘s classList
from Dudley Storey. Support is certainly looking good, with only IE10, 11 and Mobile partially supporting it.
Dave Walsh continues the theme with these 5 Ways that CSS and JavaScript Interact That You May Not Know About.
Was wondering how long this would take:
Pressure.js… is a JavaScript library that makes dealing with Apple’s Force Touch and 3D Touch simple.
Great collection of Service Worker resources & notes from Jeremy Keith (and not just because he mentions me… :-P ).
Okay, one more from Jeremy, as he has one more note on Handling redirects with a Service Worker…
And as long as we’re talking about cutting-edge JS, here is an entire battery of articles on getting started, being productive, and moving beyond, with React…
- From SitePoint, Building a React Universal Blog App: A Step-by-Step Guide, by Tony Spiro, starts from the very beginning (creating the directory), provides the starting
file, and marches right through code sample after code sample, to get you completely set-up and running! - From CSS Tricks, I Learned How to be Productive in React in a Week and You Can, Too, by Sarah Drasner, offers a fresh set of eyes, debunks a few myths about React, and also walks through code sample after code sample to demonstrate how to get up and running!
- Then Cam Jackson shares 9 things every React.js beginner should know; I always feel like I should read these kinds of lists before I get started with a tech, but then it often makes no sense until I start digging in… You decide your approach.
- Next, Saif starts a series on Performance Engineering with React. Always good to know performance DOs from the get-go, I feel.
- From Egghead.io, hopefully these React and Redux Cheatsheets will come in handy during early navigation!
- And finally, comes MERN, which “is a scaffolding tool which makes it easy to build isomorphic apps using Mongo, Express, React and NodeJS.” Pretty sweet!!
Nice series about the Web Animations API. The entire series is complete, so you can binge-read start to finish as soon as you finish reading this! ;-)
Ana Tudor is so cool… She wrote an article simply titled The `background-clip` Property and its Use Cases, which indeed begins by explaining background-clip
, then showing a few very primitive explanation demos. All very nice. Then she proceeds to just slam us in the face with increasingly awesome examples by adding CSS filters and creating skeuomorphic form controls… Amazing…
And finally, reader Matt Banner shares his article How to Speed Up Your WordPress Blog & Make it Insanely Fast. I think most of these are well-covered, but it cannot hurt to reiterate something so important!
Happy reading,