Today’s Readings

For better or worse, Google’s AMP project is out there now, and as long as it is a thing, then hearing the news that WordPress is AMP-ready, is for the better…

And since we’re already drinking the WordPress Kool-Aid, let’s take a run through “just a few” WPMU DEV posts on how to set-up, tighten, and customize, a WordPress project:

And since we’re already drinking the Build Tool Kool-Aid, let’s have a look at 6 PostCSS plugins for Developers.

And once you’ve got your CSS all nicely modernized, make sure it is as lean as it can be by running it through TestMyCSS. Does a nice job of picking up long selectors, duplicate statements, duplicate selectors, and more! Does not do such a nice job of fetching CSS files from HTTPS, and I don’t see an “upload” option. Bummer, but still a great tool!

And if you’d like, here are a few more CSS tips and tricks, via a very cute delivery method…

Several great options for implementing automatic art-directed cropping for responsive images.

Three more death-blows to Flash…

  1. as the New York Times switches from Flash to HTML5 video players,
  2. media-delivery powerhouse Brightcove switches from Flash to HTML5, and
  3. some company called Google promises to stop running Flash display ads in 2017!

And with the continuing demise of Flash, let us remember that another aging comrade-in-arms is also soon dying: IE. And with that death will come much suddenly-superfluous code… But how to even start that clean-up? Fret not, as SitePoint is here to help with a few post-IE spring cleaning tips!

From The Paciello Group, comes a short note on the use of alt="" and the title attribute on img elements. TL;DR: Use alt, who cares about title?

One more from The Paciello Group, and one more regarding accessibility, here are a few basic screen reader commands for accessibility testing. You know, like we all do, right?

Okay, one more accessibility item, though really more of a browser/testing/support item, is this page of HTML5 elements, all with minimal styling, meant to help with cross-device support testing, as well as a single document to test your new CSS on.

If you’re looking at add a CSP security header to a project, getting the options just right can be a bit of a task, leaving you with either security holes or content/functionality breaking. So let walk you through fine-tuning your CSP header.

And finally, I think someone (read: Not it!) should convert this list of untranslatable words into a Lorem Ipsum-style content generator… :-)

Happy reading,

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