Today’s Readings

Kind of a slow week, so you get a nice, short issue this time, Happy Friday! :-)

Great walk-through on how to use Custom Content Types in WordPress.

And speaking of, I recently started using ACF Pro for a new project at work; yes, there is a fee, but it is seriously crazy-powerful!

One more from WordPress, this time a bunch of Admin features. Most you will likely know, but it’s always good to scroll through an article like this, just in case.

Fantastically thorough Debugging the Mobile Web presentation! (Don’t forget to hit the down arrow too, I always forget that initially on these fancy HTML presentations the kids are using now-days… ;-) ) Includes debugging Android, iOS, and Firefox on mobile!

A nice-looking How to Code in HTML5 and CSS3 book, available in print and online.

And while we’re learning the basics, let’s also learn how to write JS without jQuery. Practical stuff!

Another great jQuery-free option that, IMO, doesn’t get nearly enough press, is Zepto. Simple, familiar, and small.

With the arrival of Google’s “Mobile Friendly” label, provides an intro to converting your non-mobile sites to be mobile-friendly. While the short checklist is simple-looking, it will be a chore, but the process is so worth it, to have a single-site that works across all devices!

And once your site is mobile-friendly, apply these tips to help keep it that way! I especially like the suggestion to forego animated GIFs, and instead use something I mentioned a while ago, but actually forgot about: GIFV.

Thanks to for sharing an article about one of the more influential people, if not names, in the Internet’s history: Jon Postel, the Man Who Invented dot com. It is fascinating to read about people that played such a large role in creating something that is so ubiquitous today, but up to now, have been simply nameless…

And finally, I’m sure everyone knows that the trailer for Superman V Batman: Dawn of Justice came out this past week, and it looks good, but have a look at what the stars of the movie think of the trailer.

Happy reading,

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