Today’s Readings

Do you use Skype or Hangout for virtual meetings? If so, you are probably regularly hindered by performance issues, dropped calls, etc. We sure are at work. Maybe one of these options could be a good replacement

Or, if everyone can do iOS, the Spin app got a pretty rave review!

We all know on the that on the web, performance is king. But if that’s true, then perceived performance is the queen (you know, the one with the real power… ;-)

Ad speaking of performance, in case, like me, you missed the live #perfmatters presentations, they’ve been nice enough to make them all available via video! I highly recommend the ones from Paul Lewis and Paul Irish, as I think they work quite nicely hand-in-hand. The Paul from Mr. and Mrs. Lewis shows us how browsers receive data, how they process it to render pages, and what things are categorized as “Paint”, “Layout”, etc. in DevTools), while the Paul from Mr. and Mrs. Irish shows us how to dig into DevTools, find errors, and then re-factor to avoid those issues. The other talks are quite good as well, but if you can only watch two, make it those two.

And speaking of conference talks, the Rendering Performance talk from Edge Conf 2013 covers some of the ground from the above talks, but new areas as well.

And with that Edge Conf in mind, here is one video to help remind us what a complex quagmire the issue of responsive images is, and two articles that try to help…

Powerful Workflow Tips, Tools And Tricks For Web Designers? While the title says it is for “designers”, there is plenty there for devs too!

Okay, this kind of crap just makes my heart sing

Use try/catch in your JS? Me neither, but here is a better-performing substitute for try/catch, so you can!

Here’s a slick CSS-only method for differentiating the menu items have children from those that don’t. Wonder which menu items are happier… ;-)

Came across this JS function the other day and my brain sort of came to a screeching halt:
I had never seen this syntax before, but I learned it is a recursive function. Then I stumbled across this little gem about that very same thing. Cool!

Ever heard of CSS that could melt? Now you have.

A really awesome article about SVG, including links around odd-shaped objects, animations, transitions, etc. Seriously cool!

Collection of great-looking CSS animations that you can just apply to your stuff, plug-n-play style. A couple you will likely never use, but several are really cool!

SnappySnippet is a Chrome extension that lets you select an element on a site, and with one click, extract all the HTML and CSS, and send it to CodePen, jsFiddle or JS Bin.

After how many 1,000s of years of people living, and suffering, in flood-prone areas, someone finally invented a bamboo hut that floats when the floods come in. Now that’s thinking…

When I first saw Google’s Quickie, I thought “Yeah, could be good, but I’ll need to dig into it, one of these days….” Well thank goodness there are people like to do that for me… :-)

Huge, and cannot wait!!

And finally, this marketing campaign is clever, but couldn’t they at least make the people do something useful, like spin a merry-go-round to make some clean energy???

And finally finally, this was just too clever, and silly, to pass up

Happy reading,

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