Today’s Readings

I’m sure everyone has already heard this to death, but I think it should be repeated as often as possible, because it is just that important: On nearly the same day, but 10 years apart, John Allsopp’s industry-defining article A Dao of Web Design was published, and Ethan Marcotte’s future-predicting presentation A Dao of Flexibility was given, respectively. Landmark dates, to be sure…

Fascinating look under the hood, and back in time, at one of the most used, most famous technologies in web development today: jQuery author has annotated the very first version of jQuery, for your reading pleasure… :-)

show us a cool pure-CSS blend effect using clip paths, filters, and blend modes. Straight outta PS! :-)

While we making cool visual effects using SVG, check out these cool motion blur effects!

This article about speeding up WordPress by adding automatic image optimization references the WP plugin, which uses a Yahoo! service that has apparently been abandoned. However, while apparently WPMU Dev works to continue the WP legacy, one of the original authors offers a few suggestions.

So, remember when the first reports came in that the iPhone 6 was bendable, and then the world stopped spinning? And then reports came in that the Samsung S6 had the same problem, and then the universe collapsed?? Well, now there is a battery that bends, and it can charge your phone “in under a minute and may be safer than lithium-ion models”… So, turns out bendy is good… ;-)

Native web element animation methods get some new names, but everything that currently works will continue working. Probably mostly because no one in their right mind would be using those methods yet…

Would you prefer to debug IE using Chrome, Firefox or Safari? Ok.

Or maybe you prefer to debug IE using Android, iOS, and Mac OS X. Ok.

Adding icons to WP menu items seems rather elementary, but if someone took the time to write such a thorough tutorial, maybe it isn’t. In any event, now you know how!

Worried about performance? You better be! So, images optimized, CSS and JS minified, cache headers set, etc., right? But what about your HTML? Novel concept…

While you have the taste of performance in your mouth, here is a new podcast series that is all about performance!

Then how about security, everyone’s other fave web dev subject· Firefox just announced that even traffic that isn’t sent via HTTPS will get encrypted… So… I don’t need to go buy that certificate after all??

And for a whole different type of security, how about securing your website’s files on your server? (yeah, him again! ;-) ) walks us through moving certain files above the web root on your server to keep them out of reach. Smart stuff, and super easy.

Need to convert a into a No problem, CloudConvert can handle that, and pretty much any other file conversion you need done.

So, a new JS library called P5.js promises to make coding easy for designers to understand and delve into. I’m not sure the examples I see do that, but I will leave that to the designy-type peeps out there… Your thoughts?

And finally, the Cooper Hewitt Museum in New York City is easily one of the cooler museums I have been to, and it just got a whole lot cooler, when they introduced “the pen”

Happy reading,

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