Today’s Readings

Following the introduction to the WAIARIA role attribute article mentioned in the last Today’s Readings, offers an introduction to the WAIARIA aria-label attribute. I like this approach, a lot! Could take a while, but I like it! ;-)

Or maybe you’d prefer someone to simply hand you a collection of commonly needed WAIARIA examples?

Caution: will-change might-change the way your pages look in some browsers.

So we’re going to add what is basically will-not—change? Hmm…

Got Grunt? Or Gulp? Well, maybe Node.js is all you need as your build tool

Add a little Mocha and you can even do your testing via Node.js as well!

We’ve all seen GoPro skiing and GoPro base-jumping, but they can all go home now, because now we have GoPro space walking

I’m not a huge torrent fan, but the idea of a BitTorrent browser is something that could interest many (although it is still Windows-only).

SVG Immersion: The Anything and Everything SVG Podcast. I can’t wait to see how cra-cra one has to be when talking about SVG to get an “EXPLICIT” label in iTunes…

Long ago, I read a lot of novels. One of his better works, IMO, was the Dark Tower series. And now that book series is being turned into a movie series. As always, it could suck, but it could also rock. Here’s hoping for the latter…

Medium‘s Better Human section recently offered a few articles that caught my attention, and sort fo feed into one another:

Now get out there and go gettum!

Typesetting.css is a nice-looking boilerplate for your CSS typography.

nines is a “web performance tool aimed to help developers find critical performance issues.” Nice!

automated-chrome-profiling is a “Node.js recipe for automating javascript profiling in Chrome.” Also nice!

But if you are frustrated trying to debug and resolve performance issues on your site yourself, you could always ask PerfAudit to do one for you… It’s interesting to read the case studies, seeing what issues they found, and what they recommend to fix them…

I typically prefer not to use web fonts; just to much hassle, and I (having no design-eye whatsoever) think browser fonts do the job just fine… But, if I had to use them, localFont makes a lot of sense to me.

And finally, black-hole.js is a pretty amazing tool to create black hole-like hover effects, using HTML5, JS and WebGL. And as amazing as the initial demo is, it’s the second demo that really pushes the boundaries of reality… :-)

Happy reading,

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