Today’s Readings

Very cool video about coding on the homepage, talking about why it’s important, how rare coders are, and what benefits the process teaches. Not until about 7:04 did I hear what I consider to be one of the best benefits of having learned how to code: it has taught me to not just encounter a problem and give up, but to try to resolve the problem, often by just trying a bunch of stuff, sort of tinkering, whether I know what will work of not.

Finally, someone is trying to make form fields a little fun

And as we all know, form element styles vary drastically across browsers. Here’s a run-down of just how bad things were, and continue to be.

With the group of people involved in Editorially, I anxiously await its arrival…

Funny, I have wondered so many times why YouTube is not responsive, but I’ve never wondered this much… Kudos!

An interesting approach to automatically create style documents for your projects, assuming you’re using some form of minification on your CSS files.

Introducing “the first working ‘brain-to-brain’ interface“… I love science. And progress. But some shit just looks scary…

Do you use WordPress? Do you care about performance? Then you should read WordPress Performance Optimization.

For anyone that travels (or lives in an old house), the Belkin Mini Surge Protector seems like a must!

The concept of Gestures + Reveal.JS is awesome, though, as the author says, it is not yet ready for prime time.

Fun tutorial for the HTML Template tag! I was initially confused why/how cloneNode() “activated” the template, but after the demos I realized that you are not actually activating the template itself, but merely cloning what is inside of the template as, well, a template, which you can then customize and insert into the DOM at will. What this means is that instead of having to include HTML fragments inside of your JS files so you can iterate and append mark-up dynamically, you can now put your HTML fragments inside your HTML templates. And though you do still need JS to iterate and append, this helps to keep your HTML separate from your JS.

More CSS Secrets from Lea Verou. Enjoy.

And here’s an expanded version of the circular animation example. Crude, yes, but I think we can all imagine this more elaborately done.

Big Brother may still be watching, but at least now he’s using his powers for good

Chrome Super Sync Sports just launched. Fantastic example of multi-device interconnectivity!

What a great non-web use of CSS!

For anyone that has never used Modernizr, Chris Griffith writes a thorough tutorial starting from adding the script to your document, to using yepnope.js and Modernizr itself to decide what to include and how to use it.

Something I’ve been looking at a lot lately, here is a great tutorial on WebGL!

Every time I see something like Emmet, I ponder whether the time needed to learn (and become proficient with) its syntax would really save me that much time in the end? Any thoughts from existing users??

text-wrap: balance, I am ready for you.

And finally, your mobile phone can now detect mercury in water. And other things, in other liquids… Ew.

Happy reading,

2 Responses to Today’s Readings

  1. John Brooks says:

    Emmett is definitely a time saver. Even if you only ever learn the CSS selector syntax (which you probably already know), you can save a lot of time writing HTML. Being able to type div.nav>ul>li*5>a and hit tab is so useful. If you never learn anything past that (like me), oh well. It’s also very easy to wrap existing content in tags (highlight something, ctrl+option+enter, type selector, enter), which comes in handy if you have to transfer copy from another source into HTML by hand.

  2. aarontgrogg says:

    Thanks, John, I will have to look into this then. Though, I so rarely build static HTML like this, normally I just start with some template (HTML5 Doctype & header, etc.), then it’s usually server-side code doing the real HTML construction. But, sounds like its worth a look, cheers!


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