Using cookies to track customer visits to your site before is fairly common practice. Using cookies to then display higher prices to them in order to scare them into hurrying to buy your product now, means you fucking suck. I will never shop for plane tickets, hotel rooms, or rental cars without being in Incognito-mode ever again.
The fact that jQuery 2.0 is now available is no longer news, nor is the fact that it no longer supports IE<9 (or that version 1.9.1 does still support those legacy browsers). But one of the strongest features, I think, is the custom build option that comes with 2.0! With this option, you can shrink jQuery down to less than 10kb (compressed). That’s HUGE! Er, small… Well, you know what I mean…
And speaking of small, a smaller keyboard on my phone? Are you crazy?? Minuum says they’re not, and this review from The Verge agrees with them…
I have long been curious as to how various similar CSS approaches perform in the browser, but never knew how to go about testing. Thankfully, not only has Colt McAnlis done it for me, but he also tells us all how to do our own! See how your fave CSS declarations stack up!
In his article What does the web platform need next?, Bruce Lawson addresses several quotes from others on the matter, as well as talks about what’s coming, how it’s evolving, and what we should expect in the months and years to come. Personally, I look most forward to reliable offline capabilities and a complete overhaul of the lowly <img>
tag, to provide proper responsive and as-needed behavior natively, without a bunch of JS voodoo magic BS…
Great walk-through on what worked, and what didn’t, as LinkedIn developed their latest iPad app. Yes, it’s a native app, but the issues they faced, and techniques they used to get around them, exist and work in the web app world too!
Extensive list of generated-content options, included an awesome collection of counter options!
The HTML5 <video> preload
attribute is pretty fickle, but here’s how it behaves across a few leading browsers.
Breaking the 1000ms Time to Glass Mobile Barrier… Yes, please!
An interesting take on mark-up validation, Holmes is a CSS file that will “highlight potentially invalid, inaccessible or erroneous HTML(5) markup” in your pages.
Finally, a job site that focuses on what’s really important when choosing which jobs to focus on scrubs just the perks for a given job. “commuting & gym benefits”, nice. “time off between Christmas & New Year”, sweet! “Free on-site catered lunch”, well alright!!
TowTruck might be a strange name for collaborative software, but who cares! Being able to share a URL, see each other’s mouse-movement, and communicate via chat and voice, is pretty awesome…
And finally, beware of… the Internet!
Happy reading,