Today’s Readings

Hallelujah, might we finally have a (hopefully-soon-to-be) reliable replacement for Google Reader?? The article specifically references iPhone, not sure what that means for Android…

And here are a couple of alternative lists if Reader doesn’t quite quench your thirst, one from LifeHacker and one from ExtremeTech… I haven’t tried any of them yet, but NewsBlur looks promising…

Closed-captioning is (some-day-soon) coming to the web! Okay, well at least someone’s talking about it…

Wow, TraceGL is mindblowing! If you’re like me (read: “words hurt my head, please show pictures and talk”), scroll down and watch the video. Mindblowing!

This is pretty amazing, with only HTML & CSS… And I had no idea you could do for loops in SASS… I’m suddenly interested…

Initially this might seem a little OCD, but some times you just need to re-order your browser tabs, right? And maybe some times you’d like to move several tabs, right?? I just found out that, at least in Chrome, you can click one tab, hold Shift, click another tab (with several tabs between them), then drag all those tabs at once… FTW!

Nice combination of tabindex and :focus to create a simple game, but the possibilities for allowing tabbed interaction, or click interaction is pretty cool!

A couple of new, interesting-looking television/internet interactions coming soon, one from ABC and the other from NBC. Neither sounds like a show I would watch, but the tech could be interesting…

Ok, the slide/push from left/right navigation menu is suddenly everywhere… So here’s another!

Wow, quite thorough Usability checklist for your next project… Wow…

By now you should have already read All You Need to Know About CSS Transitions. Now read what I would have titled All You Need to Dread About CSS Transitions… Good read, though.

From Remy Sharp comes a really worthwhile article about when, and when not, to add jQuery to a project. It’s something that has been preached for some time, especially in the world of mobile, but Remy does a nice job of concisely explaining his reasoning.

A really, really long list of JS best practices. But I’m sure we all do all of these perfectly, already, right??

And to make sure your team follows all of the above practices, why not push their code through Sgt Donowitz?

And finally, a new Budweiser cup makes toasting drinkers instant friends on Facebook… While the concept is cute, how many situations can you think of where this just goes horribly wrong? The a-hole running around a party or bar doing sneak-attack clinks; That awkward hesitation when someone tries to cheers someone that isn’t quite as interested in Friend-ship; People pulling their glasses away to avoid a “Cheers!”… Yes, they’re all beautifully uncomfortable drinking situations, brought to you by the Crap of Beers…

Happy reading,

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