Today’s Readings

First of all: Videos of all presentations at Mobilism 2013. Yeah.

Cool CSS 3D card flip from . Thanks to for the tip!

And from David’s article, I have been largely-ignoring classList because I figured it probably wasn’t very well supported, but having a look at Can I Use, it appears to be ready for prime-time! But if you still need to cover those edge-cases, there’s a polyfill for that, of course!

points out a great site, Into the Arctic, and discusses its WebGL-like experience “with just simple 2D images, CSS3 Transforms, and a touch of SVG”. Nice job!

File this under “always fun to see how kooky JS can be“…

Another how-to walk-through, this time on debugging performance issues in JS. Nice.

The slider demonstrated in this article didn’t work very well on several mobile devices I tried, but the -ms-specific bits of CSS are absolute golden nuggets, if you’ve ever run into horizontal swiping issues in mobile IE!

Time for a couple RWD quick fixes from , first an interview, then a presentation.

Static Memory Javascript with Object Pools. Translation: Reduce Garbage Collection cycles to improve performance.

Online forms can be daunting some times, especially if you don’t know when they’re going to end. Progession can help…

Take the time to get to know CSS Typography better. You (and your users) will be glad you did…

More front-end dev reading than you ever wanted to encounter. You’re welcome.

Common code problems solved using JavaScript. Oh good, more to read…

Wait, we’re done with @media queries??? I thought we just got started!

But be careful

The HTML Inspector seems great, especially if you have a set of in-house coding guidelines!

said it best:

Lots of modal window effects –… – isn’t CSS friggin awesome?

Oh, wow, performance links up-the-wahzoo!

CSSRegions.js is an intriguing idea, if you don’t need to support the devices that are outside the matrix. Works well-enough in Chrome, once the resize is complete.

In the never-ending conversation that is responsive images, this technique supplies three different image sizes (and qualities) as background-images, depending on browser width. Of course, this still assumes browser width equates to bandwidth, and requires either specified image widths or a dummy <img> placeholder for each image… We’re not there yet, but at least we’re still discussing options!

And speaking of responsive design, I’ve had an idea bouncing around my head for some time, but have never had the time/energy to really try to work it out. And like most things Internety, if you wait around long enough, someone else will… calls the concept Content Choreography, which I rather like! It deals with shifting the order of blocks of content on different screen sizes, not just adding float clears. Jordan uses flexbox to do this, which works for still sort of simple layout changes, and only on the devices that support it (one version of the spec or another). My concept was to load a mobile-first site that contains only the necessary elements, in the small-screen order, then use JS to lazy-load “unnecessary stuff” (slippery-slope, there!) and re-order the actual DOM as screen size dictates. It’s an ugly approach, I know, but it’s the best I’ve come up with in my minimal thoughts on the subject…

And speaking of “what’s supported, where?”, here’s a nice intro to Web Workers, a powerful, yet mostly-unused, JS feature. Desktop support is pretty good, but mobile pretty much sucks

IE11 Preview is now out. The article (written by Microsoft…) sounds pretty good, has anyone given it a shot yet?

A new article from (we sure haven’t had many of these, lately!) discusses a subject that I think many of us leave until the last minute, if we add at all: keyboard navigation. And in true Brothercake fashion, he takes the subject beyond the norm, and shows what we should all be doing, right now, on every site we build

Another case study in the “can we do fully-responsive sites in nothing but HTML?” debate. A resounding Sh-yah! from the author.

So, are you listening for mousedown, touchstart, or are you still using click? Well now you can skip all that, add pointer.js and just look for pointer events.

Got WordPress? Cool. Do your category pages suck? Thought so. Check-out How to Create Super Cool WordPress Category Pages to spruce them up!

And speaking of WordPress, here are the 7 Deadly Sins of WordPress Development. Don’t be a sinner…

I warn you, Internet, I am this close to actually trying to learn WebGL… And getting ever closer when I see the amazing stuff people are doing with it. I just wish I were more artistic…

And finally, in all those years living in NYC, how did I never come up with (or come across) this on the crowded subways??

Happy reading,

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