The latest installment in my ‘Today’s Readings’ series, offering my rants and thoughts based on findings from around the world-wide web, including #automation, #css, #cwv, #perf, #pwa, #rss, #seo and more. Happy reading! Continue reading
Category Archives: automation
Today’s Readings
The latest installment in my ‘Today’s Readings’ series, offering my rants and thoughts based on findings from around the world-wide web, including AI, CSS/Animation/View Transition, CI/CD/Automation, DevTools/debugging, JS and more. Happy reading! Continue reading
Using the User Timing API to Record Custom Performance Metrics
We have always had some form of testing metric. Back in the day we used things like the window.onload event or something similar. Then we started getting more sophisticated with TTFB, FCP, etc. Finally, along came CWVs, which continue to grow and evolve. But sometimes you just need to measure something that isn’t covered by all of these. And that’s where the User Timing API comes in. Happy reading! Continue reading
Getting to Know… WPO (Web Performance Optimization)
The latest installment in my “Getting to Know…” series, where I “get to know” some tech and share resources, tips, tricks and notes that I collect along the way. This time around, let’s get to know… WPO (Web Performance Optimization)! Continue reading
Today’s Readings
The latest installment in my “Today’s Readings” series, including lots of CSS and WPO, new JS array methods, Figma exports, using Gatsby with WP, JS Observers and more. Happy reading! Continue reading
Today’s Readings
The latest installment in my “Today’s Readings” series, ranging from a11y, to query languages, through CSS, JS and HTML, and even a trip down memory lane. Happy reading! Continue reading