Category Archives: microsoft

Today’s Readings

With Unicode practically owning the web, A List Apart brings up a good question: What happens when you have a dynamic search (you know, ), and people search for words like “López” or “Lørgensen”? Well, Carlos Bueno has a really, … Continue reading

Today’s Readings

Happy President’s Day everyone!  Another random sampling of all things web… Google Maps just got out-Googled…  Of all people, Microsoft, created an amazing “augmented-reality mapping technology“.  A lame name, even by Microsoft standards, but a truly impressive technology.  As the … Continue reading

Microsoft Pivot: See the Web as a Grid

Today I stumbled across something from some company called Microsoft called Pivot: (I couldn’t get the Silverlight that Microsoft provides to load properly, but I found this one on YouTube…) You can check-out other Pivot videos on YouTube too. It’s … Continue reading