Category Archives: tip

How to replace remote files with local files when debugging

If you are a front-end developer, then the time will come when you want or need to debug a file on some remote website and you want to do so by editing that file on your local hard-drive. In this article I discuss several options that I tried using, what worked and didn’t for each, and reveal which one finally worked for me. Continue reading

WordPress Updates: HTML5 Boilerplate theme & plugin plus two other plugins

I have finally updated my HTML5 Boilerplate Theme and Plugin, as well as fixed a couple minor bugs in two other WordPress plugins. See the post for all the details! Continue reading

Update to “How to Print a LinkedIn Profile as a Resume” Bookmarklet. Finally…

An update to my LinkedIn Profile converter Bookmarklet is now available. Get yours while supplies last… ;-) Continue reading

Today’s Readings

The latest installment in my “Today’s Readings” series, offering my rants and thoughts based on findings from around the world-wide web. Happy reading! Continue reading

QR Code Bookmarklet

Typing sucks. Scanning is a lot less painful. Add a bookmarklet to your favorite desktop browser so you can quickly and easily create QR Codes that you can then quickly and easily scan with your favorite device. Continue reading

Fix disappearing fullscreen video in Firefox

Videos opened in fullscreen-mode in Firefox were disappearing, so I had to track down the solution. It wasn’t obvious, but after years of working in mobile, I suspected it had to do with CSS transform… Here is my solution. Continue reading

Quickly navigate to a command line in Windows

What’s the quickest way to open a command line window, already in a specific directory? Find out! Continue reading

How to prevent LESS from calculating string values

CSS Preprocessors are great at doing calculations for you, but what happens when you don’t want them to? Escaping is easy, once you know how… Continue reading

Today’s Readings

The latest installment in my “Today’s Readings” series, offering my rants and thoughts based on findings from around the world-wide web. Happy reading! Continue reading

Use a shortcode to add a vcard to your WordPress content

Does anybody remember vcards? Does anybody still use them?? Does anybody still care??? Apparently Google does, so maybe you should too… Continue reading