The latest installment in my ‘Today’s Readings’ series, offering my rants and thoughts based on findings from around the world-wide web, including AI, CSS/Animation/View Transition, CI/CD/Automation, DevTools/debugging, JS and more. Happy reading! Continue reading
Author Archives: Aaron T. Grogg
Today’s Readings
The latest installment in my ‘Today’s Readings’ series, offering my rants and thoughts based on findings from around the world-wide web, including a new HTML element, CSS tips, Performance, Typography and more fun with View Transitions. Happy reading! Continue reading
Today’s Readings
The latest installment in my ‘Today’s Readings’ series, offering my rants and thoughts based on findings from around the world-wide web, including the latest & greatest CSS, custom accents for forms, a ton of DevTools tips, WebPerf snippets, popovers, HTML email and more. Happy reading! Continue reading
Today’s Readings
The latest installment in my “Today’s Readings” series, offering my rants and thoughts based on findings from around the world-wide web. Today’s topics include a11y, CSS, debugging tips, fetchpriority, grid, LCP, performance, PWAs, the View Transitions API and more. Happy reading! Continue reading
Today’s Readings
With the current events of the world, it is hard to focus or care about work-related things… But I feel it is also critical to try to find other mental outlets, lest we spiral into complete and total despair… With that in mind, I will try re-route some of my attention to the world of web technologies. Please consider giving yourself a break, too, with the latest “Today’s Readings”. Today’s topics include Performance, CWV & INP, CSS animation, DevTools, responsive images and more. Happy reading! Continue reading
Using AI to Make Basic Programming Faster
After 25+ years of coding, I still make syntax and grammar errors when switching between languages. Thus, even simple projects take longer, and are more frustrating, than they need to be. So I decided to see if AI could help… Spoiler: It is really good at it. Continue reading
Performance Audits: What’s in your Checklist?
Performance audits are an invaluable step in fine-tuning a site’s performance. But man there is a lot to look at… Here I offer my starter list. Anything you’s like to see added? Happy auditing! Continue reading
Replace JS with no-JS (or lo-JS) Options
An attempt at cataloging features that once required JS, but no longer do (or at least soon won’t), so we can all remove as much JS as possible. Happy reducing! Continue reading
bfcache: Improve Back & Forward Page Views
Back/forward cache (or bfcache) is a browser optimization that enables instant back and forward navigation. It is now supported in all modern browsers and requires nothing from you to work. Other than, not to break it, that is… Happy caching! Continue reading
Total Blocking Time (TBT): Debugging and Fixing
Total Blocking Time (TBT) is the time between a user seeing something and being able to interact with it. In other words, it is the time that your code prevents a user from interacting with your page…. Happy reading! Continue reading