Category Archives: chrome

Today’s Readings

The next great subset of HTML features is coming, with Web Components. Get to know Shadow DOM, HTML Templates, Custom Elements, and HTML Imports better. And think you can’t use Web Components yet? Think again… A new set of tools … Continue reading

Today’s Readings

Planning ahead, maybe, but just to be safe, Don’t Be A Glasshole… Brilliant, tiny, nearly-hidden use of video on the HandHeld conference website… Scroll down and hover over a presenter’s pic/title/description… I mean, this was one of the coolest things … Continue reading

Today’s Readings

For all my desingy peeps out there, comes Vitamin T, “The Talent Agency for Digital Creatives.” Sticking with design (sort of) for a few more seconds, the venerable CSS Zen Garden has turned 10 years old. I know it was … Continue reading

Today’s Readings

Hallelujah, might we finally have a (hopefully-soon-to-be) reliable replacement for Google Reader?? The article specifically references iPhone, not sure what that means for Android… And here are a couple of alternative lists if Reader doesn’t quite quench your thirst, one … Continue reading

Today’s Readings

Wow, fattest site on the web? Anyone got any fatter?? Initial numbers may not look like much (“shaved 1.57 seconds from our average page load, dropped our bounce rate 1%, and our exit percentage 2.5%”), but when you put those … Continue reading

Today’s Readings

An impressive-looking, responsive grid system: CSSWizardry Grids. And speaking of responsive grid systems, I don not even want to think about the maths that went into making jQuery Nested work… But resizing my browser and clicking the various device icons … Continue reading

Today’s Readings

Default browser tooltips. They suck. They always look like crap, are never placed where you want them, and usually disappear too quickly to be able to fully read. Hint.css is here to help. And speaking of CSS, it’s been a … Continue reading

Today’s Readings

A nice intro-to-animation article, not just showing the code to use, but also explaining the process and some of the terminology, and when to use which method. Be sure to check out the Next Steps links near the bottom. Great … Continue reading

Today’s Readings

Chrome continues its quest to become the only browser you need, including in-browser development! And speaking of Chrome, here’s more than you ever wanted to know about how Chrome works… Mac user? If so, these little “fix-it” tips might help … Continue reading

Today’s Readings

Another fine example of “off-canvas” navigation. I think we all know to not use :hover on mobile, but Thomas does a nice job of adding the why, which might be useful for discussions with clients, as well as a few … Continue reading