Let’s start this one off without a bang… As in, no explosion, no combustion, just air, powering a car… Not perfect, but a darned-site better than the puffs of exhaust coming out of cars, vans and trucks currently! For some … Continue reading
Tag Archives: ie6
Cross-Browser CSS3 (yes, even in IE6 and IE7), with a Little Help from MS Filters
What is the purpose of this article? To show how you can use (some) CSS3 styles right now, across all browsers, even IE6 and IE7, without the limitations and penalties of graphic headers and graphic backgrounds. Why is this important? … Continue reading
Another Nail in the Coffin for IE6…
SXSW seems like forever ago, especially after a few days of fantastic relaxation in Puerto Rico, and so I’m still trying to mull through the 200+ posts in my Google Reader, but this one made me want to post a … Continue reading
Today’s Readings
With Unicode practically owning the web, A List Apart brings up a good question: What happens when you have a dynamic search (you know, ), and people search for words like “López” or “Lørgensen”? Well, Carlos Bueno has a really, … Continue reading
Today’s Readings
The one example in the video is enough to make me think that Weave, from Mozilla Labs, could be a hugely beneficial tool to install! Who hasn’t been out-and-about and wished they had access to something on their desktop? A … Continue reading
Google Apps Drops IE6!
And another hammer drops: http://googleenterprise.blogspot.com/2010/01/modern-browsers-for-modern-applications.html Also reported by SitePoint… Bye-bye, IE6… Atg Top⇪
Introducing the New & Improved aarontgrogg.com
Since the day I launched this blog, I basically stopped thinking about my name-sake page, aarontgrogg.com. I converted it to a portal page, just linking out to the various locations you can find information about me on the web, and … Continue reading
Background-Position PNGs. Yes, Even in IE6…
Background: If you’re reading this, you probably already know the issue with trying to background-position PNGs in IE6, so I’ll make this as brief as possible (skip down to the Demo if you’d rather): A somewhat-little-known fact is that IE6 … Continue reading
Today’s Readings
As many of you already know, Windows 7 is ready to go on sale and Craig Buckler has written a nice wrap-up on Microsoft’s latest offering. In releasing Win7, Microsoft may have finally invented a reason that could compel me … Continue reading
Check if HTML5 and CSS3 Work in Your Browser
This will be a brief one, but worth it, I think. Allow me to introduce you to FindMeByIP.com. I’m not sure why the developer feels the need to display my IP Address back to me, something about that makes me … Continue reading