I’ve been wanting to write this article about RWD for so long, glad someone better at writing finally did it for me! Beautiful collection of animated, responsive navigation menus. Demo 4 is my personal fave… Hilarious! Bah! Ligature Icon Font … Continue reading
Author Archives: Aaron T. Grogg
Today’s Readings
Using cookies to track customer visits to your site before is fairly common practice. Using cookies to then display higher prices to them in order to scare them into hurrying to buy your product now, means you fucking suck. I … Continue reading
Today’s Readings
Pasquale D’Silva suggests some really slick techniques for helping users understand where they are, and what the heck is happening. Hyperlapse certainly got a lot of press since arriving on the scene, and deservedly so, what a way to discover … Continue reading
Modernizr Server Fork: Adding Test Values to the Client Page Too
I wrote some time ago about Modernizr Server, which runs Modernizr on the client and sends all the Modernizr test results back to the server before any of your actual page is sent, so you can tailor the page to … Continue reading
Today’s Readings
I’m fortunate enough to work for a company that has a tremendous device lab for us to use for developing and testing, but for those that do not have such access to real devices, the next best step would be … Continue reading
Today’s Readings
An impressive-looking, responsive grid system: CSSWizardry Grids. And speaking of responsive grid systems, I don not even want to think about the maths that went into making jQuery Nested work… But resizing my browser and clicking the various device icons … Continue reading
Today’s Readings
If you’ve been following all the hype and hub-bub around WebRTC lately, it seems like it is coming of age very quickly! Now how about adding data channels for possible file transfer or screen sharing, or why not videoing in … Continue reading
WordPress Plug-in Update: Navigation Menu IDs & Classes
There was an issue with the plug-in that prevented any WP classes from being retained, regardless of the site owner’s preferences. That issue has been resolved, and is now available in both the WP Repo: http://wordpress.org/extend/plugins/navigation-menu-ids-classes/ And on GitHub: https://github.com/aarontgrogg/wp-plugin-navigation-menu-ids-classes … Continue reading
Site Changes & Optimizations
With my recent move from GoDaddy to Dreamhost, I decided to take the time to make a few other modifications, both under the hood and to the UI. Below are a few notes on the process, for anyone interested… Continue reading
Today’s Readings
Not exactly a believable orbital trajectory, but the maths behind this circular CSS3 animation is provocative none-the-less. A great slideshow from Addy Osmani regarding why and how to achieve the perfect frame rate in your animations. In case you don’t … Continue reading