Author Archives: Aaron T. Grogg

Today’s Readings

A nice intro-to-animation article, not just showing the code to use, but also explaining the process and some of the terminology, and when to use which method. Be sure to check out the Next Steps links near the bottom. Great … Continue reading

Today’s Readings

Chrome continues its quest to become the only browser you need, including in-browser development! And speaking of Chrome, here’s more than you ever wanted to know about how Chrome works… Mac user? If so, these little “fix-it” tips might help … Continue reading

Today’s Readings

Well, it’s hard to believe, but this is actually the 100th installment of this little Today’s Readings thing I do… The first installment was published March 22 2009, nearly four years ago! Not quite the beast it has since become… … Continue reading

Today’s Readings

Another fine example of “off-canvas” navigation. I think we all know to not use :hover on mobile, but Thomas does a nice job of adding the why, which might be useful for discussions with clients, as well as a few … Continue reading

Today’s Readings

This is a cool feature (one made popular by Facebook I think). If you’re on an A-Grade device. Doesn’t work so well on older Android devices, as noted by the author. A couple nice videos about tracking performance in Chrome’s Web Inspector. … Continue reading

Today’s Readings

Okay, this is cool! Navigate via hand-gestures, using your web cam… Great basic intro post from Stoyan regarding how to set-up, download, and extract data from the HTTP Archives database. Begin fascinating data building, now! I’ll bet most of you … Continue reading

Today’s Readings

Let’s start this issue off correctly, with a tour of the ISS! I think if I’m going to live in zero-gravity, I’d cut my hair first… ;-) And soon you’ll be able to enjoy the view from up there, in … Continue reading

Today’s Readings

I swear, each Chris Coyier article that I read makes me love what he does, and how he does it, even more! And this article about his presentation from the In Control conference in Hawaii does nothing to change that! … Continue reading

Today’s Readings

One-Div: 64 icons, each using nothing but CSS and one <div>… My first computer had no hard-drive, just two 5.25″ floppy drives, one for the OS and one for applications and storing files. My first hard-drive was 1MB and was … Continue reading

Write and Share HTML/CSS Online with Scratchpad

Been playing with Scratchpad recently, pretty cool online editor. Very smooth interface, very responsive to edits. Love that I can share files, but wish I could open files that exist outside of Scratchpad and edit them there, rather than having … Continue reading