If you’re a web developer, I can just about guarantee that you use Firefox to do your business, am I right? But I’ll also guarantee that you’ve started getting sick of it too, right? It has gotten soooooooo sssllloooowwwww lately… … Continue reading
Category Archives: accessibility
Got Autism? iPhone App to the Rescue
A co-worker forwarded an article about an iPhone app that lets a mother and her autistic daughter communicate for the first time! Read more and watch a video about the app. I love technology that helps… Happy apping, Atg Top⇪
Today’s Readings
The code from Ted Littledale‘s iAd Carousel Navigation makes it seem… not that hard… Of course, his carousel is intended for an iDevice, but this makes me wonder how hard it would be do something similar for a standard webpage… … Continue reading
The Continuing Task of Website Accessibility
I try to think about Accessibility as much as possible. Okay, not just “think about” it, but actually “be conscious” of it, as in “actually implement” it, as much as I know how. So, sitting in an Accessibility session at … Continue reading
Today’s Readings
Our man Jeremy Keith and his Mad Lib-style registration page for Huffduffer got some nice kudos from Luke W. In fact, Luke liked the Mad Lib approach so much, he convinced a client to try some A/B Testing on their … Continue reading
Today’s Readings
With Unicode practically owning the web, A List Apart brings up a good question: What happens when you have a dynamic search (you know, ), and people search for words like “López” or “Lørgensen”? Well, Carlos Bueno has a really, … Continue reading
Bringing Readability to the Web… One of the Best Things I’ve Ever Seen…
Mr. Zeldman writes about Readability, a bookmarklet that scrapes “what you’re actually trying to read” from a webpage, actually making it an enjoyable reading experience. You know, what a reading experience should be?? Jeffrey’s example, a Roger Ebert movie review, … Continue reading
Introducing the New & Improved aarontgrogg.com
Since the day I launched this blog, I basically stopped thinking about my name-sake page, aarontgrogg.com. I converted it to a portal page, just linking out to the various locations you can find information about me on the web, and … Continue reading
Today’s Readings
A true hodge-podge today! From the legend Paul Irish, comes what some may consider a rather boring subject, but when I find I can squeak anything more from my user’s processors, I’m all-in! Check this for loop: for (var i … Continue reading
Today’s Readings
A rather good article comes from 24Ways about what makes a website successful. My fave comment is “Do you ask your clients why they have a website?” When I first started in this business, if anyone asked me about making … Continue reading