Category Archives: safari

Today’s Readings

Default browser tooltips. They suck. They always look like crap, are never placed where you want them, and usually disappear too quickly to be able to fully read. Hint.css is here to help. And speaking of CSS, it’s been a … Continue reading

Today’s Readings

Really beautiful cloud reproduction using CSS & JS.  I especially love that it can go full-screen, but I do wish I could “disconnect” my mouse movements from the cloud orientation.  Oh, and the Michael Bay Preset is a nice touch too… … Continue reading

Today’s Readings

Let’s start this one off without a bang… As in, no explosion, no combustion, just air, powering a car… Not perfect, but a darned-site better than the puffs of exhaust coming out of cars, vans and trucks currently! For some … Continue reading

Today’s Readings

It has been a seriously long time since my last post, and with Hurricane Irene having forced me indoors for nearly 48 hours, and having retained both power and Internet throughout, I thought, hey, why not catch-up on some reading? … Continue reading

Practical CSS3 Update

Beyond the introduction of color, Practical CSS3 has been upgrading with several new bits and pieces. Included in the updates are: Addition of new WebKit gradient (while preserving the old, for older puppies). Removal of all references to -ms-filter (cause … Continue reading

Sencha Animator: CSS3 Animations, Coded for You

Just stumbled across the Sencha Animator.  It’s sort of Flash, but the output is HTML and CSS3 instead of a SWF! Pretty powerful, if you check out some of the demos.  The “Page Flip Demo” uses an interesting combination of … Continue reading

Developing for WebKit Browsers

If you’re “lucky” enough to find yourself developing for iThings, you know you’re in a mixed-blessing situation: on one hand, you get a chance to play with absolute cutting-edge technology, pushing the browser as far as it can go, using … Continue reading

Today’s Readings

It’s been quite some time, so let’s get right to it… I know it’s not my birthday or anything, but if I had a cake with a few candles on it, I would wish for the same vacation (non-)policy that … Continue reading

Cross-Browser CSS3 (yes, even in IE6 and IE7), with a Little Help from MS Filters

What is the purpose of this article? To show how you can use (some) CSS3 styles right now, across all browsers, even IE6 and IE7, without the limitations and penalties of graphic headers and graphic backgrounds. Why is this important? … Continue reading

Today’s Readings

With all the hubba-baloo circling between Steve Jobs and Adobe, here is an interesting take on the situation, and prediction of the world in which we will soon live and work.  Thanks for the forward, Dan. I’ve written before about … Continue reading