So I had a thought on the bus the other day: Wouldn’t it be cool if I could test my responsive websites in multiple screen-sizes, without having to rubber-band my browser width back-and-forth, and back-and–forth, and back-and–forth? If I could … Continue reading
Yearly Archives: 2012
Today’s Readings
I created many things out of cardboard when I was a child; it never occurred to me to build a bicycle… I don’t host my own site, so I can’t play with mod_pagespeed myself, and I do not know nearly … Continue reading
The Netbiscuits Tactile Team Blog
Shortly after starting to work for Netbiscuits in March of 2012, I suggested to my team that we start documenting issues, solutions, tips, tricks, etc. that are mobile-related, which inevitably resulted in a WordPress blog: There will be some … Continue reading
Today’s Readings
Wow, check-it out!!! Apparently they’ve finally made a computer that is portable! So, this actually works, and pretty well… You can do one letter at a time, or just keep writing (assuming you don’t run out of screen, but if … Continue reading
How to Do the “Right Thing”
I just read an article from one of my faves, Jeremy Keith, titled How do I convince…?, and I chuckled to myself several times because it is also something I’ve heard many times, something to the effect of “But how … Continue reading
Today’s Readings
Every once in a while it is fun to hop in the WABAC Machine (that’s pronounced “wayback machine”, to you young-uns) and remember what our world was like so, so long ago, back when there were only two browsers to contend … Continue reading
Today’s Readings
When I think of all the butts on couches around the world, I think we just found our greatest renewable energy… I cannot wait to start using box-sizing… How did support get so good without me knowing it??? And as … Continue reading
Today’s Readings
In our sophisticated, fast-paced, ultra-modern world of email, Twitter and all other things ADHD, I guess it was destined to come to this, and so I have to say, I think DailyLit is an absolutely brilliant idea! Now I gotta … Continue reading
Windows 7 + (Chrome > 17) = WTF?
Update: This has been resolved, see my comment from 2012-Dec-06. And in this special case, WTF stands for: What’s with The Font-rendering… This has happened to me a couple times now, and each time I have filed a bug, waited, … Continue reading
Today’s Readings
Meet requestAnimationFrame, the new darling of the web ball… Though getComputedStyle could give her a run for her money… But then there’s also matchMedia… Support for two of them sort of sucks, especially for mobile, so I guess we have … Continue reading