Yearly Archives: 2012

Today’s Readings

I’m not usually one to get excited about “someday we’ll be able to” features, but once in a while I let myself enjoy the hard work and vision of what will come, like CSS Shaders! And how cool is it … Continue reading

Today’s Readings

In general, I like modals. I think they’re a great way to get the user’s attention (and are such an improvement over the good-old alert/confirm dialogs of yore), and I think Hakim’s modals are really cool! I’m not sure about … Continue reading

WordPress Plug-in Update: Navigation Menu IDs & Classes

I know it has been a long time since my last update to this plug-in, but version 2.0 finally brings the Admin page I’ve been wanting to add, allowing developers to easily choose which native WP navigation menu item classes, … Continue reading

Boilerplate Updates Galore!

Well, the day has finally come, and thanks to a 5-hour train trip each way for a business trip, I have finally made the time to update both my WordPress Boilerplate Theme & HTML5 Boilerplate Plug-in! The plug-in is already … Continue reading

Today’s Readings

I have long been a fan of the Creative JS community and the progressive work they produce.  While most of it is not-yet-ready-for-prime-time, it is great, ground-breaking work.  I especially love the interaction of music and visual of Rocking Dendrites! … Continue reading

I Fucking Hate Cigarette Smokers!

<rant> Okay, not actually the cigarette smokers themselves, and certainly not all cigarette smokers… I get that you want to smoke, and I agree that you have the right. It’s a completely stupid habit in my opinion, but it is … Continue reading

Today’s Readings

Tired of loading/progress bars/circles/stupid-things?  Then a loading/progress favicon might be just the thing for you! We’re all building responsive sites now, right?  So every time a user rotates their stupid little device, our sites all bounce to the proper width, right? … Continue reading

Today’s Readings

Been hearing a lot about Sublime Text 2 lately, but haven’t brought myself to really “dive in”; anyone? And one of the bits mentioned in the above article is TextExpander, which, on the surface sounds awesome, but also means I need … Continue reading

Today’s Readings

Think your remote patches are a tricky? How about sending a patch 160 Million Miles? Did you know there is a Performance object in the Webkit Inspector? If not, check it out, has some useful bits, but all the timestamps … Continue reading

Today’s Readings

I have to admit, I’m a total sucker for numbered-lists-of-shit, but Things I didn’t know about the WebKit inspector? I’m all in! (Okay, well, it obviously was numbered at one point, thus the URL, but I guess that changed at … Continue reading