Category Archives: accessibility

A Valid XHTML & CSS Lightbox (no JavaScript)

Ok, I know this is slightly old, and I know there have been a few posts about it, but seriously, how can this have not completely revolutionized the way EVERYBODY does lightbox-style overlays??? The perfect combination of POSH and fairly-basic … Continue reading

Today’s Readings

Once again, Apple has very simply made a product that is exactly as it should be: A really, really good tutorial for HTML5, using a blog as a working example. Qué apropo, no? and it would seem that … Continue reading

Proof of just how dangerous a little early-morning coffee can be…

So, a seemingly-harmless line in the Google blog ( sent me merrily tangenting this morning… In the post titled “Design patterns for accessible, crawlable and indexable content” (, under the section header titled “CSS sprites and navigation links”, I read … Continue reading

HTML5 Form Elements: I cannot WAIT! HTML 5 is ready to go! Well, sort of… Mostly, in some places, and some times with just a little help… But great reading, especially the part about <form> s (page 3, Opera-only for now), be sure to view … Continue reading

Notes from Jesse James Garrett Talk

Had the pleasure of attending a very intimate presentation and discussion with Jesse James Garret and Tamara Wayland of span class=”vcard”>Adaptive Path, so I thought I’d share a few notes I took… I like that part of AP’s mission statement … Continue reading

Tips from The CSS Anthology from SitePoint

In keeping with a long-held belief that you can learn something from anyone if you pay close-enough attention, I submit the following… I recently downloaded the sample chapters for SitePoint‘s CSS Anthology and, granted, it took me until page 78, … Continue reading

Today’s Readings

From the man himself, Mr. Jeremy Keith, comes a pretty cool collection of links and things… I’m not sure I fully understand this, neither how it works nor what one would use it for, but, hey, it’s a mash-up, … Continue reading

Today’s Readings

And now for a little trip down HTML4-Memory-Lane… Happy coding, Atg Top⇪

Which Image Replacement Technique is Best?

We all know that graphic headers are never a good thing: they add weight to page downloads, they hinder accessibility, and at times could even hinder usability. But, if you work in a professional environment, then you know there are … Continue reading