Category Archives: apple

Today’s Readings

Still working my way through the backlog…  But I’m back down to under 250!  :-) As Cameron says, “Now this is a reading experience only iPad (currently) could deliver.” Be sure to watch the video… Awesome… Anyone get a little … Continue reading

It’s an iPad Extravaganza!

With all the hoopla bouncing around the InterWeb these days about the iPad, I thought I’d bring together a few (interesting?) bits I came across… offers a nice buyer’s guide for the various versions of the iPad to help … Continue reading

HP Slate: A NOT-so-Subtle Swipe at Apple’s iPad

A new Wired article about the upcoming HP Slate is going to try to give Apple‘s iPad a run for their money. It looks like a great device, but I find the heavy Flash-push a little annoying… Maybe they should … Continue reading

Today’s Readings

I recently read a post from Nicholas C. Zakas about the pitfalls of using empty <img> tags in your HTML.  Essentially, when most of the world’s favorite browsers (Opera and Firefox 3.5+ excluded) encounter a tag like <img src=”” >, … Continue reading

Today’s Readings

This will be a sporadic post, while I scramble though a week+ of unread RSS feeds, catching up from time spent developing and launching the latest client launch for the UX Test Kitchen… If you have ever tried to create … Continue reading

Today’s Readings

Once again, Apple has very simply made a product that is exactly as it should be: A really, really good tutorial for HTML5, using a blog as a working example. Qué apropo, no? and it would seem that … Continue reading

Today’s Readings

A handy HTML 5 Cheatsheet (PDF)… So why not add in a CSS3 Cheatsheet (PDF)? Coming soon from Mac? 24 JavaScript Best Practices for Beginners (not just for beginners…) Read them all!! 20 Tools to Make the Life of a … Continue reading

iPhone Application Development Training & iTunes University

Anyone interested in building iPhone apps, but can’t quite manage to dig in? Well, crack open your iTunes, go to the store, and look for iTunes U (you can also get there directly, but it took a while to load … Continue reading

Apple Safari Browser for Windows PC

Continuing on my last post’s theme, developers have to always develop for multiple browsers on multiple operating systems (OS).  Typically, in order to develop a website and ensure that it works properly in both a Windows OS and a Mac … Continue reading

Multiple Versions of IE on a Mac

I can’t imagine anyone still tests for versions of IE any older than IE6, and as much IE6 does suck, we do still have to test in it. And if you primarily work on a Mac, that can be rough. … Continue reading