Category Archives: chrome

Today’s Readings

This is a cool feature (one made popular by Facebook I think). If you’re on an A-Grade device. Doesn’t work so well on older Android devices, as noted by the author. A couple nice videos about tracking performance in Chrome’s Web Inspector. … Continue reading

Today’s Readings

Over the past couple of months, I have noticed a considerable slowing of this site; anyone else notice it? I don’t think I’ve done anything to cause this, so maybe it’s GoDaddy (I know, I know, but I’ve been there … Continue reading

Today’s Readings

I wrote some time ago about the Tractor Beam and the Tricorder both slowly moving from Star Trek to reality. Now we’re talking about the Universal Translator. “But we already have Google Translate and Siri,” you say? Well watch this … Continue reading

Today’s Readings

I’m not usually one to get excited about “someday we’ll be able to” features, but once in a while I let myself enjoy the hard work and vision of what will come, like CSS Shaders! And how cool is it … Continue reading

Today’s Readings

I have to admit, I’m a total sucker for numbered-lists-of-shit, but Things I didn’t know about the WebKit inspector? I’m all in! (Okay, well, it obviously was numbered at one point, thus the URL, but I guess that changed at … Continue reading

Windows 7 + (Chrome > 17) = WTF?

Update: This has been resolved, see my comment from 2012-Dec-06. And in this special case, WTF stands for: What’s with The Font-rendering… This has happened to me a couple times now, and each time I have filed a bug, waited, … Continue reading

Today’s Readings

Meet requestAnimationFrame, the new darling of the web ball… Though getComputedStyle could give her a run for her money… But then there’s also matchMedia… Support for two of them sort of sucks, especially for mobile, so I guess we have … Continue reading

Today’s Readings

Okay, I know this has been around for a little while, but 3D printers still just blow my mind… I am pretty ignorant when it comes to design. As such, I had never heard of Hillman Curtis, sadly, until reading … Continue reading

Today’s Readings

Change the Tune: a great way to keep the office harmonious, let out a little pent-up frustration, and give everyone a little exercise! A really great, easy-to-follow tutorial on how to build a responsive design site, from the ground-up.  For … Continue reading

Today’s Readings

Really beautiful cloud reproduction using CSS & JS.  I especially love that it can go full-screen, but I do wish I could “disconnect” my mouse movements from the cloud orientation.  Oh, and the Michael Bay Preset is a nice touch too… … Continue reading